In this very first article will show you how I built my website using Hugo with PaperMod, AWS S3 and Terraform.
In part one, we will build the website locally. And in part two, we will create the AWS infrastructure and deploy our website.
Hugo is a static HTML and CSS website generator written in Go. It is optimized for speed, ease of use, and configurability. Hugo takes a directory with content and templates and renders them into a full HTML website. It relies on Markdown files with front matter for metadata, and you can run Hugo from any directory.
Here are their website
and github repo
You can also read the quick-start guide
Hugo supports a wide variety of themes and PaperMod is one of them. I chose it for my website because it looks very simple and clean with a good example demo website . You can see the instruction for how to install it.
The tools you will need to complete the build:
- hugo
- git
- an IDE with markdown plugin, mine is WebStorm
- markdown editor (optional), mine is Obsidian
- Follow this instruction to install Hugo
- If you need to install git, then you can follow this instruction
- Then clone the PaperMod project locally
$ git clone
- Swtich to exampleSite branch and update the submodule
1 2 3 4
$ cd hugo-PaperMod $ git checkout exampleSite $ git submodule update --init $ git submodule update --remote
- Run the hugo command line and access
to view the posts1
$ hugo server -D
- To create your first post, you can run
$ hugo new posts/